Toeristenradar - Wordpress Documentation (v0.0.1)


At the moment the wordpress plugin is not yet available within the wordpress store, it will be added at a later date. This unfortunately means a few additional steps are required. This page helps install the plugin, set it up and use it.

This page consists of the following topics

Plugin Requirements

In order to be able to use the plugin a few notes should be taken. Due to the fact that this plugin uses the new Wordpress architecture (first introduced in 2017). This means that the minimum version we support is Wordpress 5.9 in combination with PHP 7. It is also important to state that you should be using the Block editor instead of old editor.

Are you not sure if your wordpress installation matches the requirements we recommend you get in contact with your website administrator. He will be able to tell if your website meets the requirements and if not is also able to help you get your website up to date if so desired.

Downloading the plugin

The plugin can be downloaded on this page here we also show a version history if you would like to download older versions. After you've downloaded the plugin you should have a file with the .zip extension.

In the case that you are using a Apple in combination with safari? In some cases safari automatically extracts your files. This can be easily resolved using one of two methods

If you've chosen the second option, this will prevent all future files from being extracted. Is this not what you want? Simply redownload the file and follow the steps mentioned above but this time enable the checkbox instead.

Plugin Installation

After the plugin is downloaded we can move forward with the next step, installation. We will walk you through the next steps with some supporting images. First make sure you are logged in to the admin panel.

Step 1 - In the menu on the left navigate to the new plugin page "Plugins > New Plugin"

Select new plugin page

Step 2 - Select the option "upload plugin"

Select upload plugin

Step 3- Choose for the "choose a file" button

Select Choose a file

Step 4- Select the just downloaded zip file

Select the just downloaded zip file

Step 5- Click on the button "install now" or similar

Select install now

Step 6- Next select "Plugins/Installed plugins"

Select plugins installed plugins

Step 7- Select the just uploaded plugin and click on "activate"

Select activate

At the moment you click on the activate button we will receive an automatic signal. We will create a unique token that we can use all activities offered through our system are distributed fairly. This does not require any action from your side.

You are now done with the installation!

Plugin usage

Next we will walk you through the steps to help you put the plugin somewhere on the website. Depending on settings of your website you can decide to place the plugin on a page or within a post. The important thing is that you are using the block editor. The required steps will be the same either way!

Step 1- Choose "pages" and in the sub menu click "new page

Select choose_new_page

Step 2- In the top left corner click the "add" button

Select add button

Step 3- In the opened menu click within the searchbar

Select Choose a file

Step 4- Input "Abel" within the search field

Select Choose a file

Step 5- The plugin will be added to the page

At this point the plugin has been added to the page. We offer various different settings you can tweak yourself. Each of these options will be described below. These settings can be found in the menu on the right. You can find the settings by clicking on the plugin (on the page) and the menu should open.

The available settings are divided in two categories: "Company settings" and "Map settings". The settings are discussed directly below.

Companyname - Fill in your company name and click on the save button below. This helps us identify your company and enables us to help you better if you need support in the future.

Default acitivity type - By adjusting this option you can select the default filter used when users of your website initially visit the page on which the plugin is hosted.

Map settings

The default settings of the map are to show the entirity of the "Sallandse Heuvelrug". However it is possible to center the map on a custom location. To do this simply input the "latitude" and "longitude" for the custom location to ensure we zoom the map on a valid location make sure you input both!

To ensure these settings are saved you should make sure you click "Update" at the top of the page. This is only required for existing pages new pages will do this automatically after being published!